Who we are

SanthiSukham is one of the most popular Ayurveda treatment centers in Kerala, which has fully functional Ayurveda treatment center in the capital city Trivandrum and Alleppey. SanthiSukham is designed as a tranquil heaven for practicing Ayurveda- one of the most ancient and traditional medical sciences. Unlike other Ayurveda centers SanthiSukham assures you an efficient friendly and highly personalized services which includes Rejuvenation program, detoxification program, Spine care program, stress management program, skincare program, weight loss program, women care program by overseeing Resident doctors along with a cordial and friendly staffs make the guests feel at home and at ease, giving primary importance to this fact, we focus on providing a quiet and peaceful atmosphere for its guests. A wonderful experience complemented with Ayurveda treatment is what you look forward to receiving here. At Santhisukham we aim to achieve our mission of bringing peace, health, happiness to everybody through the medium of Ayurveda.

Why you need Ayurveda Detoxification.

According to Ayurveda, health is a harmonious balance of mind, body, and spirit, achieved through personalized lifestyle practices, natural remedies, and alignment with one's unique constitution and the surrounding environment. As per detoxification view, health is defined as the body being clear of toxins, the mind is at peace, emotions are calm and happy, wastes are efficiently eliminated and organs are functioning normally. In a busy, stressful and toxic world, our physical and mental systems accumulate toxins causing deterioration in bodily functioning. This eventually weakens our systems, which opens the door for chronic, degenerative, and non-specific diseases to develop. These can evolve into serious specific diseases, ultimately damaging an individual’s health and wellness. Panchakarma can help by reversing these negative effects of daily living. It can restore your natural state of health and wellness by cleansing your body of toxins, bringing balance into your system and improving bodily function. It can also help you sustain this process by making positive changes in lifestyle.


Panchakarma is the cornerstone to Ayurveda management of disease The Panchakarma therapeutic process appears quite simple in its application. Panchakarma is a unique, natural, holistic, health-giving series of therapeutic treatments that cleanse the body’s deep tissues of toxins, open the subtle channels, and bring life-enhancing energy thereby increasing vitality, inner peace, confidence and well-being.

Panchakarma is the process which gets to the root cause of the problem and corrects the essential balance of 'Tridosha' in body. Panchakarma is not only good for alleviating disease but is also a useful tool in maintaining excellent health. Ayurveda advises undergoing Panchakarma at the seasonal changes to clean the body, improve the digestion and to improve the metabolic processes.


Before the actual operation of purification begins, there is a need to prepare the body in prescribed methods to encourage the body to let go of the toxins. The two procedures are 'snehan' and 'swedan'. Snehan is the oil massage. Oil is applied to the entire body with a particular type of massage which helps the toxins to move towards the gastro-intestinal tract. Oil massage also makes the superficial and deep tissues soft and supple. Snehan is given daily for three to seven days, as indicated. Swedan is sudation or sweating and is given every day immediately following the snehan. An herbal concoction may be added to the steam to further loosen the toxins from the individual. Swedan liquefies the toxins and increases the movement of toxins into the gastro-intestinal tract. After three to seven days of snehan and swedan, the doshas become well "ripened". A particular panchakarma method is then given according to the individual's constitution and disorder, prakruti and vikruti, respectively.


Vamana (Emesis Therapy)

Vamana, a key procedure in Ayurvedic Panchakarma therapy...

Virechan (Purgation Therapy)

Virechana, a fundamental component of Ayurvedic...


Its an integral part of Ayurvedic therapies, involves the administration...

Vasti (Enema Therapy)

Vasti, a core component of Ayurvedic Panchakarma, entails the administration...


Rakta Mokshana, also known as Raktamokshana, is an Ayurvedic therapeutic...


Paschat karma means aftercare. In this, certain precautions are taken after finishing...


Netra Tharpanam is a rejuvenating ayurvedic treatment for our eyes...


Navarakizhi, also known as Shashtika Shali Pinda Sweda, utilizes warm...


Warm, medicated oils gently poured onto your body...


Januvasti is one of the most effective and time-tested Ayurvedic...


Kativasthi is a simple and unique Ayurvedic therapy which involves...


Patrapotala Sweda, a unique Ayurvedic therapy that utilizes warm...


This unique therapy utilizes warm, medicated herbal poultices...


An Ayurvedic healing technique that involves having someone pour liquid...


Thakradhara is a procedure of pouring medicated buttermilk over...

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